Pickle cured in brine and preserved in sugar and vinegar. 用盐水浸泡后保存在糖醋中的泡菜。
Bacon is made of the side of pig cured by salt, sugar and sodium nitrate. 熏肉是用猪的肋骨肉,加盐,糖和硝酸钠腌制。
After flue-curing, the chemical components of cured leaf for T6 were well coordinated with a suitable content of nicotine, lower content of starch, and highest content of potassium and total sugar. 烤后烟叶以T6的化学成分最为协调,其烟碱含量适中,淀粉含量较低,钾和总糖含量较高。
Cured tobacco leaf reducing sugar content in different parts of the performance of large and small for the upper leaves middle leaf. 烤后不同部位烟叶还原糖含量大小都表现为上部叶中部叶。
Straw mulch treatment significantly increased the cured tobacco content of potassium, and reduced the content of total sugar, sugar and starch. 秸秆覆盖处理显著增加烤后烟叶钾的含量,降低了烟叶中总糖、还原糖和淀粉的含量。